Friday, April 24, 2009
Adieu, Aurevior, Ciao, Arividerci, Bye-Bye, So long, Konichiwa
It's been fun, but boy I can't wait to see my bed, over-sized garden tub, and well broken-in leather Lay-Z-Boy. My T-Vo called me today and was wondering if I had passed, he read the on-line obituaries and saw that I hadn't, and was telling me that Lost, Deadliest Catch, and Real World-Road Rules Challenge missed me greatly. He also told me that the grass needs cutting, and the air conditioning filter needs a change. He kept talking and talking until I sat down the phone on my desk and drifted off to a world were people's wives( ah hem) T-Vo machines allow them to relax after an extremely taxing, yet eye-opening week. Thanks to the Boss and the custodial staff for being so nice to us, and a very special thanks to Mr. "Daddy" Crawford, Mr. "Encino Man" Adams, and the Mr. "Late Shake" for putting up with my antics and follies. They were good sports and as all of you know, it isn't easy spending over 96 hours locked in a building with a guy whose mind races faster than a speeding bullet and has a witty/satirical comment for everything. I LOVE YOU GUYS, YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!(sniff sniff) (wiping back tears.)