Well the day is almost over and the lockin is coming to an end. It was a fun ride, but I must admit I'm ready to go home and sleep in my own bed and shower in my own shower. As it comes to a close I thought about setting my self on fire as a last hoorah...

... but that would just be silly. So instead I would like to thank all the wonderful students and faculty who stopped by and brought us food and kept us from going stir crazy. I especially want to thank Mr. Milton and EBRPSS for allowing us to do this for our students. Finally I would like to thank my two (and a half) cohorts in this crazy adventure for all the fun we had and also for helping me find my air mattress ( it's not over Howard, Buras, and King), but most of all for refusing to sleep like normal people. I bid you all a fond farwell as I travel into the Matrix...