Thursday, April 23, 2009


Since I'm up, here is a question to ponder. If you were to take a one, five, ten, twenty, and hundred dollar bill and place it at the feet of an alien; which do you think they would take? We, as Americans, would think that the alien must know about our money system and quickly rake up the hundred dollar bill. That makes sense to us, so it must also make sense to them. Well if you think about it, all those bills are printed on the same piece of paper and technically are all worth the same. So, if we think in those terms, the alien must already know that, because he knew how to get to earth in the first place, and it wouldn't matter which bill he picked up with his green sticky suction cupped type fingers. But lets be realistic. If an alien where in front of you, the last thing you would be thinking of is laying money down at his feet. Instead, you would be running down the street as fast as you could screaming for your mother and praying to God that you were still in your nice bed tucked under the covers in your Spiderman Underroos.