MR. Adams said he was bored and that made me bored. Here it is 8:40 and I looked over at this Snickers and I wondered how in the world did they come up with the name Snickers. Here a few possiblilities that I came up with.
1. The people at the Candybar factory looked at the baker and noticed he had chocolate all over his face from loving himself some candy. The Snickers (laughter) lasted for hours and the name stuck
2. The people at the Candybar factory all had a lisp and it was supposed to be Stickers because it is so sticky, but the advertising people heard Snickers, so it stuck.
3. No solution could be agreed on, so they took the first letter of each baker who helped in the ingredients and Sally, Ned, Irene, Corey, Kip, Ellen, Rod, and Sherod equaled SNICKERS and the name stuck
4. While formulating the ingredients for the candybar, the bakers were watching the original "Godzilla," and every time the giant lizard would scream it sounded like it was saying SNICKERS. They all thought that would be a great trivia question one day and the name stuck.
5.The real story-which is way less interesting than all the rest- Franklin Mars, the owner of the Snickers, named the tasty treat after his family's favorite race horse.
Really, Really, come on, I think my stories are way more fun.
Long live Snickers!