Louisiana History
Why are you locking yourself in the school?
With the new baby at home, I could not stay the entire week, like I wanted. I could only give one night. I feel that as hard as my 8th graders worked during LEAP preparation as well as LEAP testing, I would put my money where my mouth is! THEY DESERVE IT!! I WILL DO ANYTHING FOR MY KIDS!!!
Thing you’ll miss most about life outside of the school?
A crying baby all hours of the night, absolutely NO sleep, a list of house hold jobs to do, and my mother-in-law's cooking! (Italian- nuff' said!!) [Editors note: sounds like what being locked in the school's been like: no sleep, food from a can, and Peters crying like a baby at all hours of the night!]
How do you plan to survive?
Mooching off the other guys, watching "Sling Blade," Community Coffee (Hotel Blend), social studies trivia (Yeah right!), intense political conversations with Mr. Adams, and water- (an essential element of survival!)
Bottom line is: To all my 8th graders- "I'm doin' it for Johnny!" -old Dally (the Outsiders)