Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Mr. Adams' Diary: 4th Entry

Dear Diary,

I've had a lot of time to ponder today.

And, mainly, it's been while I've been asleep. I've been doing that A LOT today.

After that thing whatever it was wouldn't leave us alone last night, I am seriously sleep deprived. I mean, this is how Mr. Milton found me when he got to school this morning.

I fell asleep with the 32nd cup of coffee I had yesterday in my hand. I couldn't even get to the couch where I was planning to sleep for the night.

Then, while I doing last minute work for today's lesson, I almost had a tragic accident.

Fortunately, one of my fellow teachers gave me a hand.

Then, during my planning period, I was on my way to the cafeteria for lunch duty. One minute, I was strutting down the main hall, the next, I was waking up on the floor with a student nudging me with his toe. "Mr. Adams, the floor ain't a bed," he said.

It continued during lunch duty. Apparently, I didn't wake up for the food fight. Ms. Buras caught a slice of apple pie in the face.

That's when I got sent to TOR with a referral. It's been a stressful day so far.
Now, Diary, I stole these photos from the school's files. I'm only sharing them with you, then I'm going to burn them. I know you'll make sure no one else sees them.

That's all for now.

-Mr. Adams