Dear Diary,
I made it.
I know I wouldn't have made it without you. And I most certainly wouldn't have made it without all the wonderful support from the students at Southeast. Both from the students I teach and from students who I'd never met before, but would stop me in the hall and say, "You better catch that ghost Mr. Adams!" or come up to the school to get us some much needed food.
I have never felt more welcome or appreciated.
But, Diary, I'm having a hard time telling my students this. You know? I'm an authority figure in my school (Still don't know how I got this gig. And after this week, Mr. Milton's probably trying to remember why he ever hired me.).
And I can't really put my finger on why I'm keeping this to myself.
Maybe it's because the teachers I had never did. Maybe it's because I taught this group of kids last year in 7th grade--and I don't know what I'm going to do when they all go to high school next year. I'm going to miss them.
This is the only class of students I've taught at Southeast. This is the group of students I've associated with my job since I moved to Baton Rouge two years ago.
The high school graduation class of 2013.
Well, Diary, I don't know if I'll ever work up the courage to tell the students of Southeast and its faculty how much I've enjoyed this year--how fortunate I feel to teach here, at the greatest middle school in the parish.
...Or how excited I am to teach the high school graduation class of 2014 next year!
But sometimes you don't tell people what you ought to, I guess.
It's been a pleasure, Diary.
Mr. Adams
Friday, April 24, 2009
Later! I'm out!!
Well, its been real! Back to the real world, crying babies, nagging wives, just normal stuff! I dont know what I will miss more- Mr. Peters wheelchair riding or Mr. Adams dozens of bags of SunChips! I know one thing- tonight I wont have to sleep on the floor with the roaches. To all my kids- We did it for ya'll! Later! I'm out- Coach Schexnayder
Farewell My Furry Friends!
Well the day is almost over and the lockin is coming to an end. It was a fun ride, but I must admit I'm ready to go home and sleep in my own bed and shower in my own shower. As it comes to a close I thought about setting my self on fire as a last hoorah...

... but that would just be silly. So instead I would like to thank all the wonderful students and faculty who stopped by and brought us food and kept us from going stir crazy. I especially want to thank Mr. Milton and EBRPSS for allowing us to do this for our students. Finally I would like to thank my two (and a half) cohorts in this crazy adventure for all the fun we had and also for helping me find my air mattress ( it's not over Howard, Buras, and King), but most of all for refusing to sleep like normal people. I bid you all a fond farwell as I travel into the Matrix...
Adieu, Aurevior, Ciao, Arividerci, Bye-Bye, So long, Konichiwa
It's been fun, but boy I can't wait to see my bed, over-sized garden tub, and well broken-in leather Lay-Z-Boy. My T-Vo called me today and was wondering if I had passed, he read the on-line obituaries and saw that I hadn't, and was telling me that Lost, Deadliest Catch, and Real World-Road Rules Challenge missed me greatly. He also told me that the grass needs cutting, and the air conditioning filter needs a change. He kept talking and talking until I sat down the phone on my desk and drifted off to a world were people's wives( ah hem) T-Vo machines allow them to relax after an extremely taxing, yet eye-opening week. Thanks to the Boss and the custodial staff for being so nice to us, and a very special thanks to Mr. "Daddy" Crawford, Mr. "Encino Man" Adams, and the Mr. "Late Shake" for putting up with my antics and follies. They were good sports and as all of you know, it isn't easy spending over 96 hours locked in a building with a guy whose mind races faster than a speeding bullet and has a witty/satirical comment for everything. I LOVE YOU GUYS, YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!(sniff sniff) (wiping back tears.)
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Well, Everyone...
It's been a great week!
Wait, hold on, Crawford is trying to tell me something. Hold on a second.
*inaudible whispering*
What?! Tomorrow is what?!
*more inaudible whispering*
Woah, so I guess I got so wrapped up in this being the last night that I just assumed I was going home when I woke up. Guess not.
Well, expect a few last posts tomorrow--and our farewell.
But until then, here's a photographic evidence of Mr. Crawford being a bad loser after the 8th grade won the SMS Lock-In poll (it also was Vandelay-approved) and retained the Spirit Stick!
First, he threw a giant ball at me:

Then the giant ball hit me:

But it was no matter. Because, 8th graders, I still got to take our victory lap:
Wait, hold on, Crawford is trying to tell me something. Hold on a second.
*inaudible whispering*
What?! Tomorrow is what?!
*more inaudible whispering*
Woah, so I guess I got so wrapped up in this being the last night that I just assumed I was going home when I woke up. Guess not.
Well, expect a few last posts tomorrow--and our farewell.
But until then, here's a photographic evidence of Mr. Crawford being a bad loser after the 8th grade won the SMS Lock-In poll (it also was Vandelay-approved) and retained the Spirit Stick!
First, he threw a giant ball at me:
Then the giant ball hit me:
But it was no matter. Because, 8th graders, I still got to take our victory lap:
My little babies
Hello everyone, I have a fohawk that Walmart gave me next to the SuperCuts over next to the aisle by my mother's neighbor's house. If you would like to see anything you better open your eyes, because that's how you see things. One time I saw a bird in the house of Yammi Yammi and its colors were like that of a colorful dark dank cest pool. I couldn't believe that Walmart allowed Yammi Yammi to give me a fohawk, but my neighbor is still okay with SuperCuts.
Na-na-naaaaa-na, na-na-naaaaa-na...
20 minutes left!
Who's ya daddy and what does he do
Contrary to popular belief, that was not Mr. Peters doing the flashdance. To prove that, I will show very conclusive evidence that I was not only not in the gym, but I do not even know where the gym is. If there is any doubt after seeing this picture I will take full responsiblity for the actions that I did not do.
MC Peters N da house!!! SMSMTV
This dude is the next big star!!! Check out these unbelievable dance moves. This is a true work of art, something so brand new and original! All you can say is WOW!!! Michael Jackson- Who?? Usher- Who??
Sit back and enjoy the new music video:
Crazy Man Can
MC Peters - A.K.A Mr. Peters!
Universal Records Inc., 2009 all rights reserved
Sit back and enjoy the new music video:
Crazy Man Can
MC Peters - A.K.A Mr. Peters!
Universal Records Inc., 2009 all rights reserved
My wife, Ashlyn, Baileigh, (2 daughters) and a friend came to visit. It was just like my 3rd hour honors class. Yes, a lot screaming and yelling and girly noises throughout the class (Deandre Burney and David Grimes). They just left and my moment of zen is slowly coming back to me. I see a wonderful game of Scrabble coming on in just a minute. Since today is Thursday, I asked Mr. Adams why he didn't learn to time travel yesterday so we could have gotten the winning lottery numbers, but he said we couldn't have left the school anyway even if we would have gotten the numbers. I started to same something like then you could have time traveled further back in the week....,but I knew he would've said something mathematical or philosophical so I just kept my mouth closed.
P.S. Has anyone seen ShakeandBake? His first night is going to be a memorable one.
P.S. Has anyone seen ShakeandBake? His first night is going to be a memorable one.
No windows???? Great engineering! (Yeah Right)
This place is dark without lights on!!!! I won't be able to sleep tonight knowing that there are ghosts floating around the school, as well as Mr. Peters, Adams, and Crawford. No tellin' what they will do to me in my sleep- shave my eyebrows? cut my hair in a mohawk? Draw pictures on my face? Ya see- I'm the new guy!!! I have a feeling it involves WATER! Scary!! I will let you know, so check back soon!!
With time on my hands...
...I learned to travel back in time. (So I've checked that one off my list, too.) I tried to use my time traveling power to go back in time and tell myself not to shave my beard off. But the flash that accompanied the space/time fold temporarily blinded me.
So I accidentally stepped in the toilet.
Defeated, and since my past-self didn't notice, I went back to my own time without saying a thing. So I'm back, humiliated and with a soggy foot.
So I accidentally stepped in the toilet.
Defeated, and since my past-self didn't notice, I went back to my own time without saying a thing. So I'm back, humiliated and with a soggy foot.

My safari
I decided to go on a safari today after school. I learned that in the back corner of Ms. Heinzen's room there is a time warp.
Mr. Adams' Diary: 6th Entry
Dear Diary,
What does it take for something to come unglued?
Heat? A lot of moisture? Well, I have both of those. I'm a nervous wreck. I'm sweating, I have chills. Being boxed up in this building--oh, we call it, 'locked-in' I guess--is really wearing on me. I don't know how much more we can take...

All the sweat is getting caught in my beard and it's really itching a lot! I can't stand it! I can't stand it! It itches so much! Oh, oh no, I could never! No! Not those!!!
What does it take for something to come unglued?
Heat? A lot of moisture? Well, I have both of those. I'm a nervous wreck. I'm sweating, I have chills. Being boxed up in this building--oh, we call it, 'locked-in' I guess--is really wearing on me. I don't know how much more we can take...
All the sweat is getting caught in my beard and it's really itching a lot! I can't stand it! I can't stand it! It itches so much! Oh, oh no, I could never! No! Not those!!!
The showers were still locked up today, so I went into the laudry room here and took a rinse cycle. Not a good idea.
I may have made the wrong decision!!!
It's 5:50pm and its already crazy around here!! I may have made the wrong decision about staying here!! Weird stuff happening already! I mean, I thought I knew these dudes, but they are crazier than I thought! Stay tuned and I'll get back to you later.
More good news!
I just went in the faculty workroom. Now, I've been very upset with the vending machine as of late because it's been missing my favorite snack--I'm sure you all know what that is by now because of how often I've blogged about it.
Anyway, the vending machine used to always stock them. In garden salsa, harvest cheddar, peppercorn, you name it. But then they stopped and I was crushed--like all those delicious crumbs at the bottom of the bag.
I was destroyed...until today!
Anyway, the vending machine used to always stock them. In garden salsa, harvest cheddar, peppercorn, you name it. But then they stopped and I was crushed--like all those delicious crumbs at the bottom of the bag.
I was destroyed...until today!
Awesome publicity!
I just took a screen shot of EBR's homepage! OMG, this is so cool!!! Check it out! [You can click on it to zoom in].
Here's a link to the EBR homepage. Check it out!

For one of the first times in my life, I'm actually not looking forward to the ringing of the 4th hour bell. Loneliness begins and my heart is sinking like my dreams of being on American Idol. HELP ME!
A new lock-in member!!!
Mr. Schexnayder:

Louisiana History
Why are you locking yourself in the school?
With the new baby at home, I could not stay the entire week, like I wanted. I could only give one night. I feel that as hard as my 8th graders worked during LEAP preparation as well as LEAP testing, I would put my money where my mouth is! THEY DESERVE IT!! I WILL DO ANYTHING FOR MY KIDS!!!
Thing you’ll miss most about life outside of the school?
A crying baby all hours of the night, absolutely NO sleep, a list of house hold jobs to do, and my mother-in-law's cooking! (Italian- nuff' said!!) [Editors note: sounds like what being locked in the school's been like: no sleep, food from a can, and Peters crying like a baby at all hours of the night!]
How do you plan to survive?
Mooching off the other guys, watching "Sling Blade," Community Coffee (Hotel Blend), social studies trivia (Yeah right!), intense political conversations with Mr. Adams, and water- (an essential element of survival!)
Bottom line is: To all my 8th graders- "I'm doin' it for Johnny!" -old Dally (the Outsiders)
Louisiana History
Why are you locking yourself in the school?
With the new baby at home, I could not stay the entire week, like I wanted. I could only give one night. I feel that as hard as my 8th graders worked during LEAP preparation as well as LEAP testing, I would put my money where my mouth is! THEY DESERVE IT!! I WILL DO ANYTHING FOR MY KIDS!!!
Thing you’ll miss most about life outside of the school?
A crying baby all hours of the night, absolutely NO sleep, a list of house hold jobs to do, and my mother-in-law's cooking! (Italian- nuff' said!!) [Editors note: sounds like what being locked in the school's been like: no sleep, food from a can, and Peters crying like a baby at all hours of the night!]
How do you plan to survive?
Mooching off the other guys, watching "Sling Blade," Community Coffee (Hotel Blend), social studies trivia (Yeah right!), intense political conversations with Mr. Adams, and water- (an essential element of survival!)
Bottom line is: To all my 8th graders- "I'm doin' it for Johnny!" -old Dally (the Outsiders)
New Poll!: The Battle of Southeast
Well, the last poll was a smashing success! After all, it was Mr. Peters and not Mr. Crawford or myself who had to stay awake ALL night!
So, it's time for a new poll!
This time it's a competition between grades!
We've been so impressed with the outpouring of support and school spirit this week while we've been locked-in. The kids are having a great time laughing not only at, but sometimes with us now! We'll take whatever we can get :).
Now it's time for a good old-fashioned spirit contest!
We've had three teachers, one from each grade. So, since it's my grade who currently holds the Southeast Spirit Stick, I'm willing to offer it up so the 8th grade can once again prove that we are the best!

The Poll rules: The teacher that has the most votes in the poll brings the Southeast Spirit Stick back for their grade!
Voting ends at 10pm tonight!
So, it's time for a new poll!
This time it's a competition between grades!
We've been so impressed with the outpouring of support and school spirit this week while we've been locked-in. The kids are having a great time laughing not only at, but sometimes with us now! We'll take whatever we can get :).
Now it's time for a good old-fashioned spirit contest!
We've had three teachers, one from each grade. So, since it's my grade who currently holds the Southeast Spirit Stick, I'm willing to offer it up so the 8th grade can once again prove that we are the best!
The Poll rules: The teacher that has the most votes in the poll brings the Southeast Spirit Stick back for their grade!
Voting ends at 10pm tonight!
Poster Contest Winners!
I'm melting... melting!
I know how you feel Mr. Adams. I am definitely feeling the lack of sleep today. I feel like changes are happening to me.

... like I'm somewhere else...

... like I'm in a dream where the Eiffel Tower is an ice cream cone

... but who knows, maybe it's all in my head.
Or maybe I'm really a fore-headed, space traveling, giant?
Students are making fun of me... :(
First thing said to me during 2nd hour: "Dang, Mr. Adams, look how you look!"
The lock-in is taking it toll
Mr. Crawford and Mr. Peters, I don't know how this is affecting you, but I'm definitely finding it harder to, um, you know...ahhhhhhh, um, think. That's it. Think.
Yes, Mr. Peters was the only one who had to stay up all night, but that doesn't mean that Mr. Crawford or myself slept. Mr. Peters made it very difficult. I kept waking up to him pounding on his keyboard or doing exercise over his webcam or talking really fast or, one time, putting on a play with his stuffed monkey.
Anyway, this lack of sleep has completely fried my brain.
But I was too tired to even realize it. A student in my first hour told me: "Mr. Adams you do not know how to dress yourself!"

Upon reflection, that may be true.
Yes, Mr. Peters was the only one who had to stay up all night, but that doesn't mean that Mr. Crawford or myself slept. Mr. Peters made it very difficult. I kept waking up to him pounding on his keyboard or doing exercise over his webcam or talking really fast or, one time, putting on a play with his stuffed monkey.
Anyway, this lack of sleep has completely fried my brain.
But I was too tired to even realize it. A student in my first hour told me: "Mr. Adams you do not know how to dress yourself!"
Upon reflection, that may be true.
PETERS, HERE. Day four and I'm going just about as fast as a racecar with with two flat tires and a missing wheel. Just kidding. Once again, I'd like to thank everyone for their graciousness with the food, snacks and especially Mr and Mrs. Piker for the extra large air matress. This matress is so big, if I were to roll over and fall off, I might break my arm. Good thing for me that I could roll over three times and still be in the middle of the darned thing. Well, it's almost time for school, I hope everyone is enjoying the blog. You should all thank Mr. Adams for the ingenious idea of starting the blog. It has really made this week worth while.
What day is it?
Ms. Solar talked to me this morning when she got here.
She said I look pretty rough. With all this lack of sleep, she says she thinks we're braining our damage, or something.
School starts in 43 minutes.
She said I look pretty rough. With all this lack of sleep, she says she thinks we're braining our damage, or something.
School starts in 43 minutes.
I would like to thank the pencil sharper, diet Coke can, the pet Gorilla I was given to look over me, and the mountain of candy given to us by all the sweet students. I have just clipped my toe nails and have successfully scratched Mr. Crawford and Mr. Adams' under their noses with my crusty, fungus filled toe nails. I love the air matress but unfortunatley it is only a prop tonight because of my Mr. Vandersnozzenlay's final edict. Well, I'm going to close my eyes, but only for a second...................................
Yippie Yippie Yippie
Since I'm up, here is a question to ponder. If you were to take a one, five, ten, twenty, and hundred dollar bill and place it at the feet of an alien; which do you think they would take? We, as Americans, would think that the alien must know about our money system and quickly rake up the hundred dollar bill. That makes sense to us, so it must also make sense to them. Well if you think about it, all those bills are printed on the same piece of paper and technically are all worth the same. So, if we think in those terms, the alien must already know that, because he knew how to get to earth in the first place, and it wouldn't matter which bill he picked up with his green sticky suction cupped type fingers. But lets be realistic. If an alien where in front of you, the last thing you would be thinking of is laying money down at his feet. Instead, you would be running down the street as fast as you could screaming for your mother and praying to God that you were still in your nice bed tucked under the covers in your Spiderman Underroos.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Telegram for Mr. Peters
Thank you loyal students
A special thank you to all the students who feared for their lives enough to pull out Mr. Peters victory. While I'm not happy it was that close a loss is a loss. Let this be a lesson to you... sometimes you have to lose to win... some loser said that some time ago. I can't remember who because he was a loser.
Children, let this be a lesson to you all. You do not have to take no for an answer. Sometimes, when you think that you've been dealt a raw hand, or in my case one-sided poll scheme, you can challenge that ruling in a sophisticated manner like I have done here. When I last checked this is still the United States and I have the right to Due Process and a speedy trial. Long live Washington, Lincoln, and all those other guys who are lucky enough to have their pictures on money.
A letter from the SMSLock-In Pollster Society
This letter was just faxed to the school from the SMSLock-In Pollster Society.
Dear Mr. Peters,
We would like to congratulate you on your victory!
I know there has been some confusion over whether this was a SMSLock-In Pollster Society sanctioned poll. It indeed was. Mr. Adams was very timely in filing for poll position on this important referendum.
You should thank him for his punctuality and thoroughness in the application process. You should also thank him for alerting us about your confusion over whether we sanctioned this poll.
Thank you for your time and best of luck with the all-nighter,
Art Vandelay
SMSLock-In Pollster Society
Thank you thank you thank you
I would like to thank all my wonderful fans! Winning a poll like this is right up there with getting my wisdom teeth pulled out. 41-40 come on! Wait, what? What do you say? It was not a legal poll administered by the SMSLock-In Pollster Society. Phew, what a relief! I can SLEEP easier now knowing that!
Peters Wins!
THE BLOGMASTER just called me and said that you can change your vote if you previously voted for MR. ADAMS OR MR. PETERS. How cool would it be if Mr. Crawford recieved ALL THE VOTES. That would be so cool, I will wear a wrestling head gear apparatus and softball mask all day long!
I can't go without any sleep. I'm losing my mind by the minute, and if I lose anymore sleep I don't know if I will make it. BIG BIG BIG BIG BIG BIG surprise for everyone who votes for Mr. Crawford to win, or helps Mr. Adams make a miraculous come from behind victory.
Shout outs galore!
Tonight has been no different than the other nights with the fantastic support we've received. This is both in kind words and in physical gifts. We'd like to thank the students that brought us candy! We've been dragging lately and the sugar rush is juststartingtokickin! To the student who brought Sun Chips, and the other student who tried to bring Sun Chips, but ate them during desprete times and instead brought ramen noodles, thank you!
And last, Ms. Piker, an air mattress! Thanks so much!
Now Mr. Peters has a place to sleep and doesn't have to wander the school freaking out Mr. Adams and Mr. Crawford.
And last, Ms. Piker, an air mattress! Thanks so much!
Now Mr. Peters has a place to sleep and doesn't have to wander the school freaking out Mr. Adams and Mr. Crawford.
Mr. Adams' Diary: 5th Entry
Dear Diary,
Great news! Three of my friends came to visit me and cook me food tonight! It was a really welcome break to see them and to eat some delicious food.
They made homemade garlic bread, a salad with goat cheese, and a pesto pasta made with basil from my garden. Here's a picture:
It really hit the spot.
Some of my friends are weirder than others.
But Diary, what really was embarrassing--and it's only something I'm going to show you--was when they were leaving. I saw them walking to the door and I already started to miss them so much--I just couldn't take it, Diary. So I dove for their ankles and just held on for dear life, begging them to take me, too.
They just called me a weirdo, shook their legs free, and left. They said not to call them again. Why am I stuck in this place?
-Mr. Adams
Great news! Three of my friends came to visit me and cook me food tonight! It was a really welcome break to see them and to eat some delicious food.
They made homemade garlic bread, a salad with goat cheese, and a pesto pasta made with basil from my garden. Here's a picture:
Some of my friends are weirder than others.
-Mr. Adams
With time on my hands...
The creature is wanted...
...dead or alive!

There are roughly 260 of these bad boys up in our school. We really want to catch that sucker. So if you see it...let us know!
There are roughly 260 of these bad boys up in our school. We really want to catch that sucker. So if you see it...let us know!
Tragic happenings in the classsroom
I received the following picture from the alien invader a few minutes ago. I have no recollection of this happening in my classroom. It looks as though he was trying to invade the minds of my students. Students if you have any weird feelings you must go to Mr. Adams tomorrow as quickly as you can because he has developed an antidote to save you. It also seems like the alien decided to style my hair as I was paralyzed by his ray gun.

No vote, Mr. Peters
A demand for action!
My students! The fact that this poll is so close needs to change!
If I have to stay up all night I'm going to write 35 referrals for every student I teach.
You'll be suspended until you're 42! Do something about this! Start voting for Peters and Crawford!
What are you waiting for! Now!!!!
If I have to stay up all night I'm going to write 35 referrals for every student I teach.
You'll be suspended until you're 42! Do something about this! Start voting for Peters and Crawford!
What are you waiting for! Now!!!!
Call for Help
Come on lovely students... vote for Mr. Peters and Mr. Adams. I know you are all thinking it will be fun to make Mr. Crawford stay up all night he he he, but what you have to remember is that I will be working off no sleep and could possibly be very irritable. I would hate for me to accidently assign extremely difficult assignments as well as TONS of homework (all for big grades) just because I was tired. Have a nice night students, and remember, you can always change your vote if you have already voted. :)
With time on my hands...
...I was able to cross one of the five things I wanted to learn while locked-in off my list: karate. Because I just taught myself.

I'm a pencil sharpener!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe by the end of the week I'll earn another merit badge. Who knows, maybe they will let me try the copying machine
New Poll!
Well, of everyone who voted on the question: Who is most likely to scare Mr. Crawford at night?
The results were (drum roll):
Mr. Peters: 32%
Mr. Adams: 9%
Himself in a mirror: 57%
Aaaaaaand there's now a new question up!
Which teacher should pull an all-nighter tonight?
Voting ends at 10pm!
The teacher with the most votes will pull an all-nighter and will prove it by posting on the hour, every hour, from 11pm until 6am!
So, make sure you and your friends vote for the teacher you think should not go to sleep tonight!!!
The results were (drum roll):
Mr. Peters: 32%
Mr. Adams: 9%
Himself in a mirror: 57%
Aaaaaaand there's now a new question up!
Which teacher should pull an all-nighter tonight?
Voting ends at 10pm!
The teacher with the most votes will pull an all-nighter and will prove it by posting on the hour, every hour, from 11pm until 6am!
So, make sure you and your friends vote for the teacher you think should not go to sleep tonight!!!
More shout outs!
Thanks to the students who brought me provisions today during school!
I'm currently snacking on some peanut butter cups after polishing off a bag of peppercorn ranch Sun Chips, which, btw, were delicious!
Later, I have an unopened bag of harvest cheddar Sun Chips--and I'll tell you now, they're dead meat!
I'm concerned about falling asleep mid-chip and fear the potential choking that could follow.
Oh well. Forget the torpedoes--full speed ahead!
I'm currently snacking on some peanut butter cups after polishing off a bag of peppercorn ranch Sun Chips, which, btw, were delicious!
Later, I have an unopened bag of harvest cheddar Sun Chips--and I'll tell you now, they're dead meat!
I'm concerned about falling asleep mid-chip and fear the potential choking that could follow.
Oh well. Forget the torpedoes--full speed ahead!
Schools out and lucky for us it's early dismisal day. What a stroke of luck this has been. Now, not only are we stuck here, but EVERYONE IS GONE! At least it's not dark yet. Hopefully, I can get some much needed shut eye tonight. Thank the goodness for SCRABBLE, lots of extra work, and the soothing sound of Mr. Crawford's voice and Mr. Adams' dreadlocks.
With time on my hands...
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